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Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher from esteelauder.co.uk |
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dárek od mé švagrové - photo by Bára. |
Proč Estée Lauder? K narozeninám jsem dostala červený kufřík se všemi těmi kouzelnými věcmi. Už mám hnědou tužku na oči a musím říct, že drží lépe než ostatní, které jsem měla
Každá žena nebo holčička miluje malovátka s těmi krásnými lahvičkami a obaly. Neříkejte, že při výběru nějakého produktu Vás neovlivní design. Mě tedy ano a k tomu, když se přidá kvalitní značka, výsledek je jasný.
Firma Estée Lauder vznikla v roce 1946 a je pojmenována po zakladatelce firmy. Její původní jméno bylo Josephine Esther Mentze a její otec byl Čech. Vždy ji zajímala krása ženy a tvrdila, že každá žena může být krásná. Ze začátku ji vedl strýc, který byl chemik a určitě to se začátku neměla lehké. Společnost založila se svým manželem a oba dva byli výborní obchodníci. Například její nápad byl, rozesílat svým zákaznicím malé vzorky kosmetiky. Navrhovala design svých lahviček, kde převažovala modrá, která se podle ní hodila do většiny ložnic a koupelen. Estée Lauder se dožila neuvěřitelných 97 let a nyní vede firmu její vnuk. Zajímavé je, že pod Estée Lauder Companies spadá Clinique, M.A.C. a Bobbi Brown.
Why Estée Lauder? I got a red suitcase with all the magical things form my birthday. I have brown eyeliner and I must say that holding up better than others, which I had.
Any woman or girl loves make-up with those beautiful bottles and packaging. You say that the choice of a product will affect the design. So yes I do and when you add a quality brand, the result is clear.
Estée Lauder Company was founded in 1946 and is named after the founder of the company. Her original name was Josephine Esther Mentze and her father was a Czech. She was always interested in beautiful women, claiming that every woman can be beautiful. At beginning her led uncle who was a chemist and for her certainly is not easy to start. She and her husband founded the company and both were excellent traders. For example, she had the idea, when she send small samples of cosmetics its customers. She proposed the design of its bottles, which prevailed blue, which suited her, according to most bedrooms and bathrooms. Estée Lauder is survived an incredible 97 years and her grandson runs the company now. Interestingly, the Estée Lauder Companies falls Clinique, M.A.C. and Bobbi brown.
Why Estée Lauder? I got a red suitcase with all the magical things form my birthday. I have brown eyeliner and I must say that holding up better than others, which I had.
Any woman or girl loves make-up with those beautiful bottles and packaging. You say that the choice of a product will affect the design. So yes I do and when you add a quality brand, the result is clear.
Estée Lauder Company was founded in 1946 and is named after the founder of the company. Her original name was Josephine Esther Mentze and her father was a Czech. She was always interested in beautiful women, claiming that every woman can be beautiful. At beginning her led uncle who was a chemist and for her certainly is not easy to start. She and her husband founded the company and both were excellent traders. For example, she had the idea, when she send small samples of cosmetics its customers. She proposed the design of its bottles, which prevailed blue, which suited her, according to most bedrooms and bathrooms. Estée Lauder is survived an incredible 97 years and her grandson runs the company now. Interestingly, the Estée Lauder Companies falls Clinique, M.A.C. and Bobbi brown.
Pěkné, asi se začnu malovat :-)